During the month of March, WVU Forensic and Investigative Science students were able to participate in a controlled burn at the WV State Fire Academy located in Weston, WV. The controlled burn of the mock bedroom and living room were used as a teaching aid in three different courses: 1) to train fire debris analysts in Dr. Jackson's Arson and Explosives Analysis class (FIS 451); 2) to train CSI skills in Tiffany Edwards' CSI 2 class (FIS 402), and 3) to train fire instructors at the WV State Fire Academy. The burns were organized by Prof. Glen Jackson in WVU's Department of....
Recently, WVUToday announced that the university has maintained its R1 ranking in the US as a top research university. In this article Hannah McMillen, a PhD Student in the Jackson group, was highlighted for her research and time at the university.
Student organizations have been highlighting their advisors for all that they do throughout the school year. The Forensic and Investigative Science Club and Delta Delta Epsilon Organization voiced their praise for Tiffany Edwards, who is dedicated to student success and goes above and beyond. Take a look at their Instagram accounts to see the posts and comment your thanks for our dedicated professor!
In the Fall 2024 Semester, 32 undergraduate students from the West Virginia Forensic and Investigative Science Department were able to visit the WVU Fire Academy. They learned about what firefighters do, smoke travel, fire investigations, and osteological burns. Thank you to WVU Extension for taking the time to provide a great learning experience!
More than 40 years ago, Joan Ann Charlton was found stabbed to death on her college campus in Frostburg, Maryland. Although there were suspects, they never panned out and the case went cold.
Above: C. Dolton. Won poster presentations in Physical Sciences, Engineering, & Technology at Spring 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium. Her project is “Evaluating evidence integrity in the analysis of tape evidence when using latent print development and µXRF analysis”. Mentor: Dr. Tatiana Trejos
On Saturday, January 18th Dr. Glen Jackson, a distinguished Professor of Forensic and Investigative Science, will make an appearance on the Oxygen True Crime Network. In the S5, Ep. 20 showing of "Accident, Suicide, or Murder" at 9 p.m., he will speak about his involvement in the Jason Lively exoneration from 2020.
Oriana Ovide completed bachelor's degrees in Forensic and Investigative Science (Forensic Chemistry Emphasis) and Chemistry in 2020. She then moved on to complete her master's degree in Forensic and Investigative Science (Forensic Chemistry Emphasis) in 2022. In this interview, Oriana shares her experience at WVU, in her majors, and how these have impacted her everyday work for Texas Department of Public Safety.