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Graduate Student Achievement

Highlighting the success and achievements of our graduate students

The graduate degrees in our Master of Science and Doctorate program are focused on research for the professional and academic development of our students. Below are several achievements which exhibit the success of our students within the forensic science community.

Total Enrollment

FIS Graduate Program Enrollment Data


Internships are not required for Graduate Students. Graduate students it is optional for them to request or apply for an internship at any time during their time within the program. For years 2022-2024, the department did not receive any requests for graduate internships.


FIS Graduate Programs Graduation Rates

Graduate Student Publications and Presentations

The following publications were written by graduate students to disseminate the findings of their research projects:

2024 Research:

1. Oct 2024. Leah Thomas, BS, Kourtney Dalzell, MS, Roger Jefferys, MS, Luis Arroyo, PhD, and Tatiana Trejos, PhD. Northeastern Association of Forensic Science (NEAFS) Annual Meeting. Enhancements in mobile technology and strategies to triage firearm-related evidence at the scene for more efficient investigations. Atlantic City, NJ (Oral presentation)

2. Oct 2024. Christopher George, Kourtney Dalzell, Leah Thomas, Luis Arroyo, and Tatiana Trejos. Northeastern Association of Forensic Science (NEAFS) Annual Meeting. A Pilot Study for the Adoption of GSR Screening Techniques into Forensic Laboratories. Atlantic City NJ (Oral presentation)

3. Oct 2024. Kourtney Dalzell, M.S., Tomas Ledergerber, B.S., Tatiana Trejos, PhD., and Luis Arroyo. Northeastern Association of Forensic Science (NEAFS) Annual Meeting. Evaluation of GSR preservation via confirmatory analysis workflows to facilitate the adoption of OGSR analysis. Atlantic City, NJ (Poster)


1. Sept 2024. Tatiana Trejos, Luis Arroyo.  XIII LIBS 2024 International Meeting & II Latin American Meeting on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Expanding the Impact of LIBS Technology to Streamline Forensic Investigations. PLENARY SPEAKER. Iguazú, Argentina.

2. Sept 2024. Tatiana Trejos, Anna Michel, Nerea Bordel, Susana Boeykens. XIII LIBS 2024 International Meeting & II Latin American Meeting on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Round Table Discussion: Women in LIBS. Shaping the Future: Addressing Challenges and Seizing Opportunities in International Research. Iguazú, Argentina (invited speaker)

3. Sept 2024. Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos, Kourtney Dalzell, Leah Thomas, Jhanis Gonzalez. Moving LIBS Technology to the Forefront: Advancements for the Detection of Firearm Discharge Residue at Crime Scenes. XIII LIBS 2024 International Meeting & II Latin American Meeting on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy. Iguazú, Argentina (invited speaker)

4. Nov 2024. Dr. Arroyo in South Korea for a round table discussion on method validation.

Technical visit Chile 

1. Sept 2024. Tatiana Trejos and Luis Arroyo. Implementación de un Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en el Area de Residuos de Disparo Bajo la Norma ISO-IEC 17025. Laboratorio Criminalística de la Policía de Investigaciones de Chile (PDI), Santiago, Chile. (invited technical visit) 

Costa Rica:

1. August 5-9 2024: Costa Rican Prosecutors Office (Ministerio Publico) and Organism of Judicial Investigation (OIJ)


2. Oct 2023. Thomas Ledergerber, B.S., Kourtney Dalzell, M.S., Matthew Staymates, M.S., Luis Arroyo, PhD, Tatiana Trejos, PhD. SciX Scientific Conference. Unmasking Gunshot Residue Deposition Transference Mechanisms using Laser Sheet Scattering, High-speed Videography, Atmospheric Particle Analysis, and Spectrometric Analytical Techniques. Oral Presentation. Raleigh, NC. (oral presentation)

NIJ National Research Conference

1. Sept 2024. Tatiana Trejos and Jay Petterson 2024 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) National Research Conference. Advancing Justice through Science. How Research Improves Public Crime Lab Efficiency and Accuracy: NIJ-Sponsored Outcomes. Pittsburgh, PA (invited speaker)

2. Sept 2024. Kourtney Dalzell, Thomas Ledergerber, Addio Fiordigili, Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos. 2024 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) National Research Conference. Advancing Justice through Science. A feasibility study of electrochemical sensors, chromatographic methods, and mass spectrometry technology for laboratory adoption of organic gunshot residue analysis. Pittsburgh, PA (poster)

3. Sept 2024. Thomas Ledergerber, Kourtney Dalzell, Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos. 2024 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) National Research Conference. Advancing Justice through Science. An Investigation into Best Practices for the Storage and Dual Analysis of IGSR and OGSR. Pittsburgh, PA (poster)

4. Sept 2024. Hannah McMillen, M.S. and Glen Jackson, PhD. 2024 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) National Research Conference. Advancing Justice through Science. Application of the expert algorithm for substance identification (EASI) to predict ASTM E1618-19 ignitable liquid classes from gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) data of ignitable liquid resides. Pittsburgh, PA (poster).

Midwestern Association of Forensic Science

1. Sept 2024. Zachary Andrews, Troy Ernst, Ruthmara Corzo, Cedric Neumann, Tatiana Trejos. Recommendations for the Forensic Analysis of Contemporary Portable Electronic Device (PED) Glass Samples. Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (MAFS) 52nd Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI (oral presentation) 

2. Sept 2024. Zachary Andrews, Troy Ernst, Tatiana Trejos. Developing consensus-based methods for the examination and interpretation of contemporary vehicle, architectural, and portable electronic device glasses by micro-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Midwestern Association of Forensic Scientists (MAFS) 52nd Annual Meeting, Detroit, MI (workshop)

West Virginia State Police Visit:

1. July 2024. Thomas Ledergerber, Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos. West Virginia State Police Laboratory Technical Visit, Building Foundations for a more comprehensive interpretation of IGSR and OGSR evidence. Charleston, WV

Allegheny County Medical Examiner’s Office Technical Visit

1. Aug 2024, Kourtney Dalzell, Leah Thomas, Christopher George, Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos. ACOME Technical Visit. Building foundations for a more comprehensive interpretation of IGSR and OGSR evidence. Pittsburgh, PA. Collaboration with Christopher George, Paul Speaker, Pam Woods, Daniel Woods and Jackie Caterino. 

Other Graduate Student Publications

Glen Jackson

West Virginia University

6) C. A. Ganninger, G. M. Walkup, S. M. Fleegle, G. P. Jackson, "Flammable Liquids in Non-Flammable Products as Potential Interferences in the Determination of Ignitable Liquid Residues in Fire Debris," Forensic Chem. 2025, 42, 100639.

5) S.A. Mehnert, J. T. Davidson, A. Adeoye, B. D. Lowe, E. A. Ruiz, J.R. King, G. P. Jackson, "Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) using Mass Spectrometry: Part II. Application to the Identification of Cocaine on Different Instruments using Binary Classification Models," J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2023, 34(7), 1248-1262.

4) G. P. Jackson, S.A. Mehnert, J. T. Davidson, B. D. Lowe, E. A. Ruiz, J. R. King, "Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) using Mass Spectrometry: Part I. Statistical Foundations in Unimolecular Reaction Rate Theory," J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 2023, 34(7), 1235-1247.

3) I. C. Willis, Z. Fan, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “Weathering of Ignitable Liquids at Elevated Temperatures: A Thermodynamic Model, Based on Laws of Ideal Solutions, to Predict Weathering in Structure Fires,” Forens. Chem., 2020, 100215.

2) M. K. Santos, E. Gleco, J. T. Davidson, D. B. J. Neves, G. P. Jackson, R. P. Limberger, L. E. Arroyo, “DART-MS/MS Screening for the Determination of 1,3-Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) and Undeclared Stimulants in Seized Dietary Supplements from Brazil,” Forens. Chem., 2018, 8, 134–145.

1) H. L. Birks, A. R. Cochran, T. J. Williams, G. P. Jackson, “The Surprising Effect of Temperature on the Weathering of Gasoline,” Forens. Chem., 2017, 4, 3240.


*Denotes Invited Lecture

Work conducted at West Virginia University

38) G. P. Jackson, M. R. Oaks, C. Poulos, “Unintended Ion-Molecule Reactions between Residual Water and Indazole-Containing Fragments of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Tandem Mass Spectrometry,” at SciX Conference, Raleigh, NC, 2024. (Oral)

37) G. P. Jackson, B. Lowe, S. A. Mehnert, A. Pfeffer, A. Adeoye, J. T. Davidson “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) Applied to Tandem Mass Spectra of Drugs,” NIJ National Research Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, 2024. (Oral)

36) A. Pfeffer, G. P. Jackson, “Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to n-Alkanes” at the 21st Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol, Charleston, WV, 2024. (Poster)

35) A. Adeoye, J. King, G. P. Jackson, “Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to Resolve THC and CBD ESI-Mass Spectra” at the 76th American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, Denver, CO, 2024. (Oral)

34) G. P. Jackson, A. Pfeffer, A. Adeoye, C. McQuain, J. Orris, S Hokanson, “Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to the Mass Spectral Identification of Bath Salts (Synthetic Cathinones)” at the 76th American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, Denver, CO, 2024. (Poster)

33) J. Orris, A. Adeoye, S. Hokanson, G. P. Jackson, “Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to Mass Spectra of Synthetic Cathinones” at the Spring ACS Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 2023. (Poster)

32) *G. P. Jackson, J. T. Davidson, A. Adeoye, E. Ruiz, B. Lowe, J. King “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) Applied to the Mass Spectra of Structurally Similar Fentanyl Analogs,” at the Pittsburgh Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2023. (Oral)

31) J. Orris, A. Adeoye, S. Hokanson, G. P. Jackson, “Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to Mass Spectra of Synthetic Cathinones” at the Spring ACS Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, 2023. (Poster)

30) *G. P. Jackson, J. T. Davidson, A. Adeoye, E. Ruiz, B. Lowe, J. King “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) Applied to the Mass Spectra of Structurally Similar Fentanyl Analogs,” at the Pittsburgh Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2023. (Oral)

29) *G. P. Jackson, A. Adeoye, J. Orris, S. Hokanson, “Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to Mass Spectra of Synthetic Cathinones,” at the Pittsburgh Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2023. (Oral)

28) G. P. Jackson, A. Adeoye, J. Orris, S. Hokanson, “B83 The Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) on Synthetic Cathinones Using Mass Spectrometry (MS),” at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2023. (Oral)

27) A. Pfeffer and G. P. Jackson, “B116 The Application of the Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) on N-Alkanes,” at the American Academy of Forensic Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2023. (Poster)

26) *G. P. Jackson, J. T. Davidson. A. Adeoye, S. Mehnert, E. Ruiz, J. King, “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI): A New Paradigm for Mass Spectral Identifications,” presented at SciX Conference, Providence, RI, Oct 2022. (Oral)

25) J. King, G. P. Jackson, “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) from Mass Spectra,” presented at the 35th Annual ACS Regional Symposium, (virtual due to COVID) Apr 2022. (Poster)

24) A. Kotula, G. P. Jackson, “The Weathering of Ignitable liquids at Elevated Temperatures,” presented at the Chesapeake Bay Division of the International Association for Identification (CBD-IAI), Gettysburg, PA, Mar 2022. (Poster)

23) *G. P. Jackson, S. Mehnert, J. T. Davidson, B. Lowe, A. Adeoye, E. Ruiz, “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) from Mass Spectra,” presented at the NIJ Forensic Science Research and Development Symposium, (virtual due to COVID) Mar 2022. (Oral)

22) H. L. McMillen, G. P. Jackson, “Evaluation of a Thermodynamic Model to Predict the Weathering of Ignitable liquids at Elevated Temperatures,” at the 74th Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA, Feb 2022. (Oral)

21) *G. P. Jackson, S. Mehnert, J. T. Davidson, “New Algorithm for Mass Spectral Identifications,” at Pacifichem, Honolulu, HI, (Virtual due to COVID), Dec 2021. (Oral)

20) *G. P. Jackson, S. Mehnert, J. T. Davidson, “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI): A New Paradigm for Mass Spectral Identifications,” presented in the Innovation Award Session at SciX Conference, Providence, RI, Sept 2021. (Oral)

19) *G. P. Jackson, A. Adeoye, J. T. Davidson, E. Ruiz, B. Lowe, “A New Mass Spectral Identification Algorithm to Discriminate Between Structurally Similar Fentanyl Analogs,” at SciX Conference, Providence, RI, Sept 2021. (Oral)

18) G. P. Jackson, J. T. Davidson, Z. J. Sasiene, B. Lowe, Y. Abiedalla, C. R. Clark, E. L. Piacentino, V. Ryzhov, “Mass Spectrometric Characterization of Emerging Synthetic Drugs and an Algorithm for Confident Identifications,” at the 72nd Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, (virtual due to COVID), Mar 2021. (Oral)

17) G. P. Jackson, J. T. Davidson, Z. J. Sasiene, B. Lowe, Y. Abiedalla, C. R. Clark, E. L. Piacentino, V. Ryzhov, “Towards an Improved Understanding of the Mass Spectrometric Identification of Cathinones and Fentalogs,” at the 71st Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago, IL, Mar 2020. (Oral)

16) C. Wensel, I. C. Willis, Z. Fan, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “Thermodynamic and Kinetic Predictions of the Evaporation Patterns of Ignitable Liquids at Elevated Temperatures,” at 71st the Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Chicago, IL, Mar 2020. (Oral)

15) S. A. Mehnert, B. D. Lowe, E. Ruiz, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “A Regression-Based Algorithm to Maximize the Confidence in Mass Spectral Identifications,” at the 72nd Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Anaheim, CA, Feb 2020. (Oral)

14) C. Wensel, I. C. Willis, Z. Fan, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “The Effects of Elevated Temperatures and Substrates on the Weathering of Ignitable Liquids” at the 72nd Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Anaheim, CA, Feb 2020. (Oral)

13) *S. A. Mehnert, B. D. Lowe, E. Ruiz, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “Development of a Flexible Algorithm for Substance Identification Using Mass Spectrometry,” at Eastern Analytical Symposium, Plainsboro NJ, Nov 2019. (Poster)

12) *G. P. Jackson, S. A. Mehnert, B. D. Lowe, E. Ruiz, J. T. Davidson, “A Regression-Based Algorithm to Maximize the Confidence in Mass Spectral Identifications,” at Eastern Analytical Symposium, Plainsboro NJ, Nov 2019. (Oral)

11) *G. P. Jackson, S. A. Mehnert, J. T. Davidson, B. D. Lowe, “A Regression-Based Algorithm to Maximize the Confidence in Mass Spectral Identifications,” at SciX Conference, Palm Springs, CA, Oct 2019. (Oral)

10) *G. P. Jackson, S. A. Mehnert, B. D. Lowe, J. T. Davidson, “The Development of a Flexible Algorithm for Substance Identification Using Mass Spectrometry,” at the 70th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Philadelphia, PA, Mar 2019. (NIJ Poster session).

9) I. C. Willis, Z. Fan, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “The Influence of Elevated Temperatures on the Weathering of Ignitable Liquids” at the 70th Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, Philadelphia, PA, Mar 2019. (NIJ Poster session)

8) S. A. Mehnert, B. D. Lowe, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “The Development of a Flexible Algorithm for Substance Identification Using Mass Spectrometry,” at the 71st Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Baltimore, MD, Feb 2019. (Oral)

7) S. E. Chaffman, T. Williams; J. T. Miller, J. T. Davidson, G. P. Jackson, “Identification of an Ultraviolet (UV) -Induced Promethazine Dimer,” at the 71st Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Baltimore, MD, Feb 2019. (Poster)

6) M. K. dos Santos, E. Gleco, G. P. Jackson, R. P. Limberger, J. Cox, L. E. Arroyo, “Screening and Confirmation of Stimulants Drugs in Seized Dietary Supplements by DART-MS and Liquid Chromatography Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (LC-QQQ-MS),” at the Midwestern Association of Forensic Sciences Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, Sept 2017. (Poster)

5) A. Cochran, G. P. Jackson, “The Analysis of the Fatty Acid Content of Fingerprint Residues Using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS),” at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, LA, Feb 2017. (Poster)

4) S.M. Stinson, G. M. Walkup, G. P. Jackson, “Do Hygiene Products Cause False Positives in Arson Investigations?” at the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, New Orleans, LA, Feb 2017. (Poster)

3) A. Cochran, H. Birks, T. Williams, G. P. Jackson, “The Surprising Effect of Temperature on the Weathering of Gasoline,” at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Las Vegas, NV, Feb, 2016. (Oral)

2) T. Williams, J. T. Miller, G. P. Jackson, “The Prevalence of Promethazine Dimerization in Forensic Samples of Purple Drank,” at the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Las Vegas, NV, Feb, 2016. (Oral)

1) A. Cochran, H. Birks, T. Williams, G. P. Jackson, “The Surprising Effect of Temperature on the Weathering of Gasoline,” SciX Conference, Providence, RI, Oct, 2015. (Poster)


Luis Arroyo


1. (AWARD: Runner-up out of 72 presentations). 2022-SURE Undergraduate Research Symposium. Toxicity Assessment and Metabolism Studies of Furanyl Fentanyl using Zebrafish. Katherine L. Davis; Collin Kustera; Travon Cooman, Sadie Bergeron, Luis E. Arroyo. Morgantown WV. (July 27, 2022.

2. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS) Annual Meeting. “Application of a Validated QueChERS extraction from Liver Tissue and analysis of 34 fentanyl analogs to postmortem liver. Kylea Mathison, Sharon Kalb, Katherine Davis, Joseph Cox, Stephen Raso, Francisco Diaz, Luis E. Arroyo. Newport News, VA. May10-13, 2022.

3. 2022 Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (MATT) Meeting. “Zebrafish-An Alternative Drug Metabolism Model for Valeryl Fentanyl Travon Cooman, Katherine Davis, Luis E. Arroyo. Kalamazoo, MI. April 6-8.

4. (AWARD: Sunshine-Wong Award Winner).2022 Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (MATT) Meeting. “Validation and Survey of 55 Opioids in Postmortem Oral Cavity Fluid via QueChers Extraction and Analysis by LC-MS-MS. Katherine Davis, Joseph Cox, Kylea Mathison, Luis E. Arroyo. Kalamazoo, MI. April 6-8.

5. 2022 Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (MATT) Meeting. “Comparison of Furanyl Fentanyl Metabolism in Zebrafish and Human Liver Microsomes. Katherine Davis, Collin Kustera, Travon Cooman, Briana Sauve, Brianna Hoover, Sadie Bergeron, Luis E. Arroyo. Kalamazoo, MI. April 6-8.



6. Society of Forensic Toxicologist (SOFT) Annual Meeting. Effects of Fentanyl on Blow Fly Development and Quantitation of Fentanyl from Insect Tissue via QuECHERs Extraction and LC-MS/MS Analysis. Joseph Cox, Katherine Davis, Kylea Mathison, Rachel Mohr, Joseph Del Tondo, Luis E. Arroyo. Nashville TN. September 26-Oct. 1st, 2021.

7. Society of Forensic Toxicologist (SOFT) Annual Meeting. QueCHERs Extraction and LC-MS/MS Quantitation of Fentanyl Analogs and Metabolites from Liver Tissue to Support Medicolegal Death Investigations. Joseph Cox, Katherine Davis, Kylea Mathison, Joseph Del Tondo, James Kraner, Luis E. Arroyo. Nashville TN. September 26-Oct. 1st, 2021.

8. 13th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium “Identification of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride Utilizing Electrochemistry and Time-Resolved Raman Spectroelectrochemistry on Screen-Printed Electrodes”. Kendra Kelly, Alexis Wilcox, Colby Ott, Luis E. Arroyo. Morgantown, July 29, 2021 (online poster).

9. Current Trends in Electrochemistry, 41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. 1st French-Spanish Atelier/Workshop on Electrochemistry (online meeting) “Spectroelectrochemical screening of drugs of abuse for time-resolved electrochemical and SERS detection in forensic investigations” Paris, France. Colby E. Ott, Jerson González-Hernández, Sara L. Kuberski, Kourtney A. Dalzell, Travon Cooman, Ana L. Alvarado-Gámez, Roberto Urcuyo, M. Julia Arcos-Martínez, Aranzazu Heras, Alvaro Colina, and Luís E. Arroyo-Mora. (July 6 - July 9, 2021)

10. Current Trends in Electrochemistry, 41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. 1st French-Spanish Atelier/Workshop on Electrochemistry (online meeting) “Electrochemical detection of fentanyl using screen-printed carbon electrodes for seized drugs of abuse and forensic applications” Paris, France. Colby E. Ott, Hugo Cunha-Silva, Sara L. Kuberski, Kourtney A. Dalzell, Joseph A. Cox, M. Julia Arcos-Martínez, and Luís E. Arroyo-Mora (July 6 - July 9, 2021).

11. Arizona State University (ASU) Undergraduate Speaker Series. “Emerging Drugs of Abuse”. (Invited Speaker). April 06, 2021.

12. Pittcon Conference and Expo. Virtual Event. “Integration of Electrochemistry and Raman Spectroscopy for Detection of Drugs of Abuse”. Colby E. Ott, Jerson González-Hernández, Travon Cooman, Kylea M. Mathison, Kourtney A. Dalzell, Sara L. Kuberski, William J. Feeney, Ana L. Alvarado-Gámez, Roberto Urcuyo, M. Julia Arcos-Martínez, Aranzazu Heras, Alvaro Colina, Luis E. Arroyo. March 8-12, 2021.

13. (AWARD: Winner of the Physical Sciences & Mathematics category)18th Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol (UGRD). “Rapid Electrochemical Sensing of Acetaminophen Utilizing Screen-Printed Carbon Electrodes in Forensic and Environmental Applications”. Sara Kuberski, Colby Ott, Luis E. Arroyo. Charleston, WV. March 5, 2021.

14. Travon Cooman, Brianna Hoover, Brianna Sauve, Sadie A. Bergeron, Natalia Quinete, Piero Gardinali, Luis E. Arroyo. The metabolism of valeryl fentanyl using human liver microsomes and zebrafish larvae". Drug Testing and Analysis. 2022.

15. Colby E Ott, Martin Perez-Estebanez, Sheila Hernandez, Kendra Kelly, Kourtney A Dalzell, M Julia Arcos-Martinez, Aranzazu Heras, Colina Alvaro, Luis E. Arroyo. Forensic Identification of Fentanyl and its Analogs by Electrochemical-Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (EC-SERS) for the Screening of Seized Drugs of Abuse. Front. Anal. Sci., 10 February 2022.

16. Travon Cooman, Colby Ott, Kourtney Dalzell, Amber Burns, Edward Sisco, Luis E. Arroyo. Screening of Seized Drugs Utilizing Potable Raman Spectroscopy and Direct Analysis in Real Time-Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS). Forensic Chemistry. 100352. August 2021

17. Joseph Cox, Kylea Mathison, Colby Ott, Joseph DelTondo, James Kraner, Anthony P. DeCaprio, Luis E Arroyo-Mora "Quantitation and Validation of 34 Fentanyl Analogs from Liver Tissue Using a QuEChERS Extraction and LC-MS/MS Analysis" Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2021.

18. Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Claudia Martinez, Courtney Vander Pyl, Emily Heller, Edward Chip Pollock, Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos. Development of Tailor-Made Inorganic Gunshot Residue (IGSR) Microparticle Standards and Characterization with a Multi-technique Approach. Talanta. Dec 2020. 121984

19. Colby E. Ott, Kourtney A. Dalzell, Pedro José Calderón-Arce, Ana Lorena Alvarado-Gámez, Tatiana Trejos, Luis E. Arroyo. Evaluation of the simultaneous analysis of organic and inorganic gunshot residues within a large population data set using electrochemical sensors. Journal of Forensic Science. August 2020.

20. Ott, Colby E.; Cunha-Silva, Hugo; Kuberski, Sara L.; Cox, Joseph A.; Arcos-Martínez, M. Julia; Arroyo, Luis E. Electrochemical detection of fentanyl with screen-printed carbon electrodes using squarewave adsorptive stripping voltammetry for forensic applications. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Vol 873, 2020.

21. Joseph Cox, Alex Train, Avery Fields, Colby Ott, Joseph DelTondo, James Kraner, Kristen Bailey, Myron Gebhardt, Luis E Arroyo-Mora, “Quantitation of Fentanyl and Metabolites from Liver Tissue Using a Validated QuEChERS Extraction and LC–MS-MS Analysis”, Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2020. Bkaa006


Keith Morris

Morris, KB, Spaulding JS, and Ho JN, The use of error rates to predict and characterize the efficacy of presumptive field tests, J Forensic Sci 67(1), 2022


Arati Iyengar

Conference presentations

Sara R. Bodnar, Alekhlas A. Alsharji, Coral M. Smith, Tina Moroose, Casper Venter, Arati Iyengar. Poster presented at International Symposium for Human Identification, Denver, CO, Fall 2023. Title: DNA typing of Cyanoacrylate Fumed Latent Fingerprints using Capillary Electrophoresis-based GlobalfilerTM and Massively Parallel Sequencing-based ForenseqTM Signature Prep kits.


Sara R. Bodnar, Coral Smith, Alekhlas A. Alsharji, Tina Moroose, Casper Venter, Arati Iyengar (2024) DNA Typing of Cyanoacrylate Fumed Latent Fingerprints using GlobalfilerTM and ForenseqTM Signature Prep kits. Journal of Forensic Sciences 69, 1706-1717.


Tatiana Trejos


1)      Leatherland L, Corzo R, Vogler C, Fiordigigli A, Neumann C, Trejos T. Evaluation of the incorporation of µ-XRF SDD systems in analytical workflows of black electrical tapes. Forensic Chemistry. 2024 Dec 24:100638.

2)      Prusinowski M,  Tavadze P,  Andrews Z,  Lang L,  Pulivendhan D,  Neumann C, Romero AH, Trejos T.  Experimental results on data analysis algorithms for extracting and interpreting edge feature data for duct tape and textile physical fit examinations. J Forensic Sci.  2023; 00: 1–17. Selected for JFS social media advertisement and featured in the AAFS Newsletter. 

3)      LC Alexander, O Ovide, OC Duffett, AD Lewis, P Buzzini, J Curran, T Trejos. The Random Presence of Glass and Paint on the Clothing and Footwear of Members of the General Population: A US Baseline Survey at Various Seasons. J Foren Sci 2023, 00:1-17, DOI: 10.1111/1556-4029.15226 (selected by JFS journal for Media spotlight)

4)      AD Lewis, LC Alexander, O Ovide, OC Duffett, J Curran, P Buzzini, T Trejos. A study on the occurrence of glass and paint across various cities in the Uni‐ ted States—Part I: Background presence of glass in the general population, Forensic Chemistry, (Cover Page Vol 34)

5)      LC Alexander, AD Lewis, OC Duffett, J Curran, P Buzzini, T Trejos. A Study on the Occurrence of Glass and Paint across Various Cities in the United States Part II: Background Presence of Paint in the General Population, Forensic Chemistry, 34, 10493,

6)      C Martinez-Lopez, O Ovide, R Corzo, Z Andrews, J Almirall, T Trejos. Homogeneity assessment of the elemental composition of windshield glass by micro-XRF, LIBS, and LA-ICP-MS analysis. Forensic Chemistry, 27, 2022, 100384,

7)      C Ott, K Dalzell, PJ Calderon, AL Alvarado-Gomez, T Trejos, L Arroyo. Evaluation of the Simultaneous Analysis of Organic and Organic Gunshot Residues within a Large Population Data Set Using Electrochemical Sensors, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2020,

8)      C Vander Pyl, O Ovide, Ho M, Yuksel B, T Trejos. Spectrochemical Mapping Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy as a More Objective Approach to Shooting Distance Determination, Spectrochimica Acta B, 2019, 152, 93-101.

9)      B Yuksel, M Ho, O Ovide, C Vander Pyl, T Trejos. Infrared Imaging as a Complementary Aid in Estimating Muzzle-to-Target Shooting Distance: An Application on Dark, Patterned and Bloody Samples. T K J Foren Sci Leg Med, 16,2, 2019, 73-80. DOI: 10.5336/forensic.2019-64837

10)   K Rupert, M. Ho, T Trejos. Study of Transfer and Persistence of Glass in a Mock Kidnapping Case, Journal of the American Society of Trace Evidence Examiners, 2018, 8,1, 16-36.

11)   CJ Johnson, P. Martin, KA Roberts, T Trejos, R Corzo, JR Almirall, AM Safer. The Capability of Raman Microspectroscopy to Differentiate Printing Inks, Journal of Forensic Science, 2018, 1- 14. DOI: 10.111 1/155 6-4 029.13508

12)    July 2024. Isabel Talley, Leah Thomas, Roger Jefferys, Tatiana Trejos. WVU Summer Undergraduate Symposium. Expanding the Range of Trace Evidence Identification Through Mobile LIBS Analysis for Crime Scene Reconstruction. Morgantown, WV

13)    April 2024. Addio Fiordigigli, Ian Balestrieri, Kourtney Dalzell, Thomas Ledergerber, Tatiana Trejos, Luis Arroyo. Gas Chromatography Solutions for Monitoring Organic Gunshot Residues at Trace Levels. WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium, Spring 2024, Morgantown, WV (poster)

14)     April 2024. Liliana Barbosa, Thomas Ledergerber, Kourtney Dalzell, Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos.Characterization of Firearm Ammunition via LC-MS/MS Analysis of Smokeless Powders, Spent Cartridges, and Hand Residues. WVU Undergraduate Research Symposium, Spring 2024, Morgantown, WV (poster, runner up)

15)     April 2024. Claire Dolton, Lacey Leatherland, Tatiana Trejos. Evaluating evidence integrity in the analysis of tape evidence when using latent print development and µXRF analysis. WVU

16)      A Akmeemana, P Weis, R Corzo, D Ramos, P Zoon, T Trejos, T Ernst, C Pollock, E Bakowska, C Neumann, J Almirall, Interpretation of Chemical Data from Glass Analysis for Forensic Purposes, Journal of Chemometrics, Journal of Chemometrics. 2021; 35, e3267,

17)      C Martinez-Lopez, O Ovide, R Corzo, Z Andrews, J Almirall, T Trejos. Homogeneity assessment of the elemental composition of windshield glass by micro-XRF, LIBS, and LA-ICP-MS analysis. Forensic Chemistry, 27, 2022, 100384,

18)      C Vander Pyl, C Martinez-Lopez, K Menking-Hoggatt, T Trejos. Analysis of primer gunshot residue particles by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Analyst. 2021.

19)      C Vander Pyl, W Feeney, L Arroyo, T Trejos, Assessment of the Limitations and Capabilities of GC-MS and LC-MS/MS for Trace Detection of Organic Gunshot Residues from Skin Specimens. Forensic Chemistry. 2022. In review.

20)     J Almirall, A Akmeemanaa, K Lambert, P Jiang, E Bakowska, R Corzo, C Martinez Lopez, E “Chip" Pollock, K. Prasch,  T Trejos, P Weis, W Wiarda, H Xie, P Zoon. Determination of seventeen major and trace elements in new float glass standards for use in forensic comparisons using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Spectrochimica Acta B, 2021, 19,

21)      Joseph Cox, Kylea Mathison, Colby Ott, Joseph DelTondo, James Kraner, Anthony P. DeCaprio, Luis E Arroyo-Mora "Quantitation and Validation of 34 Fentanyl Analogs from Liver Tissue Using a QuEChERS Extraction and LC-MS/MS Analysis" Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2021.

22)      K Dalzell, C Ott, T Trejos, L Arroyo. Comparison of portable and benchtop electrochemical instruments for detection of inorganic and organic gunshot residues in authentic shooter samples, J Forensic Sci, 2022,

23)      K Menking-Hoggatt, C Martinez, C Vander Pyl, E Heller, E Pollock, L Arroyo, and T. Trejos. Development of Tailor-Made Inorganic Gunshot Residue (IGSR) Microparticle Standards and Characterization with a Multi-technique Approach. Talanta. April 2021, 225,

24)      K Menking-Hoggatt, C Ott, C Vander Pyl, K Dalzell, J Curran, L Arroyo, T Trejos. Prevalence and Probabilistic Assessment of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residue and Background Profiles using LIBS, Electrochemistry, and SEM-EDS. Forensic Chemistry, 2022,

25)  K Menking-Hoggatt, L Arroyo, J Curran and T Trejos. Novel LIBS method for chemical micro-mapping of inorganic gunshot residue collected from hand samples, Journal of Chemometrics, online Dec 2019, 2021;35: e3208,

26)  M Prusinowski, Z Andrews, C Neumann, T Trejos. Assessing significant factors that can influence physical fit examinations – Part I. Physical fits of torn and cut duct tapes. For. Sci. Int. 2022. In review.

27)  Ovide, R Corzo, T Trejos. The analysis of glass from portable devices and glass accessories using µXRF for forensic investigations. Forensic Science International. 2022. In press.

28)  R Corzo, T Ernst, J Insana, C Martinez-Lopez, J Webb, E Haase, P Weis, T Trejos. Evaluation of the performance of modern X-ray fluorescence spectrometry systems for the forensic analysis of glass. Forensic Chemistry, 2022.31, 100447.

29)  R Corzo, T Hoffman, T Ernst, T Trejos, T Berman, S Coulson, P Weis, Al Stryjnik, H Dorn, E “Chip” Pollock, MS Workman, P Jones, B Nytes, T Scholz, H Xie, K Igowsky, R Nelson, K Gates, J Gonzalez, LM Voss, J Almirall, An interlaboratory study evaluating the interpretation of forensic glass evidence using refractive index measurements and elemental composition, Forensic Chemistry, 22, 2021,

30)  Sarah Szakas, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Tatiana Trejos, Alexander Gundlach-Graham. Elemental Characterization of Leaded and Lead-Free Inorganic Primer Gunshot Residue Standards by spICP-TOFMS. Applied Spectroscopy. 2022. In press

31)  T Cooman, T Trejos, A Romero, L Arroyo. Implementing machine learning for the identification and classification of compounds and mixtures in portable Raman instruments. Chemical Physics Letters, 787, 2022, 139283,

32)  Travon Cooman, Colby Ott , Kourtney Dalzell, Amber Burns, Edward Sisco, Luis E. Arroyo. Screening of Seized Drugs Utilizing Potable Raman Spectroscopy and Direct Analysis in Real Time-Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS). Forensic Chemistry. 2021

33)  W Feeney, K Menking-Hoggatt, C Vander Pyl, C Ott, S Bell, L Arroyo, T Trejos. Detection of organic and inorganic gunshot residues from hands using complexing agents and LC-MS/MS. Analytical Methods. 2021, 13, 3024-3039, (Journal Cover Page and hot article)

34)  W Feeney, K Menking-Hoggatt, L Arroyo, J Curran, S Bell, T Trejos. Evaluation of organic and inorganic gunshot residues in various populations using LC-MS/MS, Forensic Chemistry, 2022, 27,

35)  Z Andrews, M Prusinowski, E Nguyen, C Neumann, T Trejos. Assessing significant factors that can influence physical fit examinations – Part II. Physical fits of stabbed and torn textiles For. Sci. Int. 2022. In review.

Other Graduate Student Presentations

Our graduate students also gave several presentations at national and regional conferences to share their research topics and findings during 2021-2022:

1.      A. Adeoye, G. P. Jackson, “The Development of an Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) of Fentanyl Analogs Using Mass Spectrometry,” at the 74th Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences, Seattle, WA, Feb 2022. (Oral)

2.      Alexis N. Wilcox, Colby E. Ott, Travon Cooman, Amber Burns, Edward Sisco, Luis Arroyo. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientist (MAAFS) Annual Meeting. “Evaluation of the analytical performance of a portable 1064 nm Raman instrument on simulated drug mixtures and authentic case samples using deep learning. Newport News, VA. May 10-13, 2022.

3.      Bill Feeney, Suzanne Bell, Tatiana Trejos. Exploring the probabilistic interpretation of gunshot residue in various populations using LC-MS/MS. Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 28th, 2021. (Poster)

4.      Bill Feeney, Tatiana Trejos. Detection of OGSR and IGSR from the same collection stub using complexing agents and LC/MS/MS, 4th event Global Lecture Series, Crossing Forensic Borders. January 2021. (Invited Speaker)

5.      Colby E. Ott, Hugo Cunha-Silva, Sara L. Kuberski, Kourtney A. Dalzell, Joseph A. Cox, M. Julia Arcos-Martínez, and Luís E. Arroyo-Mora. Current Trends in Electrochemistry, 41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. 1st French-Spanish Atelier/Workshop on Electrochemistry (Online Meeting) “Electrochemical detection of fentanyl using screen-printed carbon electrodes for seized drugs of abuse and forensic applications” Paris, France. (July 6 - July 9, 2021).

6.      Colby E. Ott, Jerson González-Hernández, Sara L. Kuberski, Kourtney A. Dalzell, Travon Cooman, Ana L. Alvarado-Gámez, Roberto Urcuyo, M. Julia Arcos-Martínez, Aranzazu Heras, Alvaro Colina, and Luís E. Arroyo-Mora. Current Trends in Electrochemistry, 41st Meeting of the Electrochemistry Group of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. 1st French-Spanish Atelier/Workshop on Electrochemistry (online meeting) “Spectroelectrochemical screening of drugs of abuse for time-resolved electrochemical and SERS detection in forensic investigations” Paris, France. (July 6 - July 9, 2021)

7.      Colby E. Ott, Jerson González-Hernández, Travon Cooman, Kylea M. Mathison, Kourtney A. Dalzell, Sara L. Kuberski, William J. Feeney, Ana L. Alvarado-Gámez, Roberto Urcuyo, M. Julia Arcos-Martínez, Aranzazu Heras, Alvaro Colina, Luis E. Arroyo. Pittcon Conference and Expo. Virtual Event. “Integration of Electrochemistry and Raman Spectroscopy for Detection of Drugs of Abuse”. March 8-12, 2021.

8.      Colton Diges, Zachary Andrews, Meghan Prusinowski. Microfiber Alignment in Stamp Edges for Physical Fit. 13th Annual summer undergraduate research symposium, Morgantown, WV. July 29th, 2021.

9.      Courtney Vander Pyl, Claudia Martinez-Lopez, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Tatiana Trejos. Rapid Laser-Based Methods for the Detection of Modern Gunshot Residues. Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 28th, 2021. (Poster, Best Poster Elservier Forensic Chemistry Award)

10.  Courtney Vander Pyl, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Claudia Martinez, Tatiana Trejos. Application of Laser-Based Methods for the Analysis of Gunshot Residue Originating from Modern Ammunition. AAFS 2021. February 2021.

11.  Courtney Vander Pyl, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Tatiana Trejos. Rapid Analytical Screening Methods for the Investigation of Firearm Related Crimes. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientist and ASTEE joint meeting. September 23, 2021. (Oral)

12.  Courtney Vander Pyl, Kourtney Dalzell, Tatiana Trejos, and Luis Arroyo. Emerging Analytical Techniques for the Reconstruction of Firearm-Related Incidents. Brazil 3rd School of Forensic Science. October 2021. (Virtual, Oral Presentation).

13.  Courtney Vander Pyl, MS, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, PhD, Tatiana Trejos. American Association of Forensic Science criminalistics poster session. Rapid Spectrochemical Mapping Techniques for Enhanced Detection and Visualization of Gunshot Residue Patterns February 25th, 2022. (Poster Presentation).

14.  Declan Revenew, Courtney Vander Pyl, Bill Feeney, Tatiana Trejos. Evaluating GC-MS and LC-MS/MS Efficacy for Characterization of a Developed Organic Gunshot Residue Standard. 13th Annual summer undergraduate research symposium, Morgantown, WV. July 29th, 2021.

15.  Diaz, Luis E. Arroyo. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientist (MAAFS) Annual Meeting. “Application of a Validated QueChERS extraction from Liver Tissue and analysis of 34 fentanyl analogs to postmortem liver. Newport News, VA. May10-13, 2022.

16.  G. P. Jackson, A. Adeoye, J. T. Davidson, E. Ruiz, B. Lowe, “A New Mass Spectral Identification Algorithm to Discriminate Between Structurally Similar Fentanyl Analogs,” at SciX Conference, Providence, RI, Sept 2021. (Oral)

17.  G. P. Jackson, J. T. Davidson. A. Adeoye, S. Mehnert, E. Ruiz, J. King:, “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI): A New Paradigm for Mass Spectral Identifications,” presented at SciX Conference, Providence, RI, Oct 2022. (Oral)

18.  G. P. Jackson, S. Mehnert, J. T. Davidson, B. Lowe, A. Adeoye, E. Ruiz, “Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) from Mass Spectra,” presented at the NIJ Forensic Science Research and Development Symposium, (virtual due to COVID) Mar 2022. (Oral)

19.  Jessica Friedel, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, and Tatiana Trejos. Prevalence of Particles Characteristic and Consistent with GSR Found in A Background Population Study. Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 28th, 2021. (Poster)

20.  Jessica Friedel, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Tatiana Trejos. A Study of Gunshot Residue Prevalence in the General Population of Morgantown West Virginia, WVU Fall Undergraduate Symposium. December 2021. (Oral Presentation)

21.  Jose Almirall and Tatiana Trejos. Interpol International Forensic Science Managers Symposium, Lyon, France. Tri-Annual Review of Glass, Paint, and Tape: Current State and Challenges. November 8th, 2022. (Oral, invited speaker)

22.  Joseph Cox, Katherine Davis, Kylea Mathison, Joseph Del Tondo, James Kraner, Luis E. Arroyo. Society of Forensic Toxicologist (SOFT) Annual Meeting. QueCHERs Extraction and LC-MS/MS Quantitation of Fentanyl Analogs and Metabolites from Liver Tissue to Support Medicolegal Death Investigations. Nashville TN. September 26-Oct. 1st, 2021.

23.  Joseph Cox, Katherine Davis, Kylea Mathison, Rachel Mohr, Joseph Del Tondo, Luis E. Arroyo. Society of Forensic Toxicologist (SOFT) Annual Meeting. Effects of Fentanyl on Blow Fly Development and Quantitation of Fentanyl from Insect Tissue via QuECHERs Extraction and LC-MS/MS Analysis. Nashville TN. September 26-Oct. 1st, 2021.

24.  Joseph Cox, Kylea Mathison, Colby Ott, Joseph DelTondo, James Kraner, Anthony P. DeCaprio, Luis E Arroyo-Mora. Crossing Forensic Borders (CFB) Webinar. Extraction and quantitative analysis of fentanyl analogs and metabolites from complex biological specimens. Webinar host by WVU but organized by Amsterdam Center for Forensic Science and Medicine (CLHC). January 25, 2021. (7:00 to 9:00 am).

25.  Kendra Kelly, Alexis Wilcox, Colby Ott, Luis E. Arroyo. 13th Annual Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium “Identification of Hydroxyzine hydrochloride Utilizing Electrochemistry and Time-Resolved Raman Spectroelectrochemistry on Screen-Printed Electrodes”. Morgantown, July 29, 2021 (Online Poster).

26.  Korina Menking-Hoggatt, C. Ott, Tatiana Trejos, Luis Arroyo.  Novel rapid detection of inorganic and organic gunshot residues using LIBS and electrochemistry: a population study, 4th event Global Lecture Series, Crossing Forensic Borders. January 2021. (Invited Speaker)

27.  Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Courtney Vander Pyl, Kourtney Dalzell, Colby E. Ott, Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos, Ph.D. FTCoE National Forensic Week. Persistence, Prevalence, and Probabilistic Study of Inorganic and Organic Gunshot Residue in Shooter and Non-Shooter Populations. September 2022. (Poster, Invited Speaker)

28.  Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Edward “Chip” Pollock, Emily Heller, Courtney Vander Pyl, Claudia Martinez, Tatiana Trejos. Inorganic Gunshot Residue (IGSR) Micro-particle Standard with Application to Method Development and Understanding Modern Ammunition. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientist and ASTEE joint meeting. September 23, 2021. (Oral, MAAFS Annual Scholarship Winner)

29.  Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Ph.D.; Colby E. Ott, M.S.; Courtney Vander Pyl, M.S.; Kourtney Dalzell, B.S.; James Curran, Ph.D.; Luis Arroyo, Ph.D.; Tatiana Trejos, Ph.D. Probabilistic Interpretation of a Large Population Study of Gunshot Residue and Background Profiles using LIBS, Electrochemistry, and SEM-EDS. February 24th, 2022. (Oral Presentation)

30.  Korina Menking-Hoggatt; William Feeney, Tatiana Trejos, Luis Arroyo. Study of various types of Gunshot Residue and Background Populations using LIBS, Electrochemistry, SEM-EDS, LC/MS/MS and probabilistic Interpretation. Brazilian Winter School Program. October 2021. (Virtual, Oral Presentation)

31.  Kourtney A. Dalzell, Colby E. Ott, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Tatiana Trejos, and Luis E. Arroyo. 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS). Detection of Lead-Free Inorganic and Organic Gunshot Residue Using LIBS, Electrochemistry, and Machine Learning. February 18, 2021.

32.  Kourtney A. Dalzell, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Colby E. Ott, Tatiana Trejos, and Luis Arroyo. Detection of Lead-Free Inorganic and Organic Gunshot Residue Using LIBS, Electrochemistry, and Machine Learning. AAFS 2021. February 2021.Kourtney A. Dalzell, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Colby E. Ott, Tatiana Trejos, and Luis Arroyo. Detection of Lead-Free Inorganic and Organic Gunshot Residue Using LIBS, Electrochemistry, and Machine Learning. AAFS 2021. February 2021.

33.  Kylea Mathison, Luis E. Arroyo. 2022 Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (MATT) Meeting. “Development and Validation of a Quantitative Method for the Analysis of 35 Analytes in Postmortem Oral Cavity Fluid using UPLC-MS-MS. Kalamazoo, MI. April 6-8.

34.   Kylea Mathison, Sharon Kalb, Katherine Davis, Joseph Cox, Stephen Raso, Francisco Diaz, Luis E. Arroyo. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientist (MAAFS) Annual Meeting. “Application of a Validated QueChERS extraction from Liver Tissue and analysis of 34 fentanyl analogs to postmortem liver. Newport News, VA. May 10-13, 2022.

35.  Lauryn Alexander, Oriana Ovide, Olivia Duffett, Andra Lewis-Krick, Patrick Buzzini, Tatiana Trejos. MAFS 51st Annual Fall Meeting A Joint Meeting with ASTEE. Evaluation of Glass and Paint Traces on Clothing and Footwear of the General Public in Various U.S. Regions and Seasons. September 17th, 2022. (Oral)

36.  Lauryn Alexander, Oriana Ovide, Olivia Duffett. How common is it to find glass and paint residues in a member of the general U.S. population? A preliminary study. Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientist and ASTEE joint meeting. September 23, 2021. (Oral)

37.  Lauryn Alexander, Oriana Ovide, Olivia Duffet, Tatiana Trejos. A Study of Frequency of Occurrence of Glass and Paint in the U.S. Population: Preliminary Findings. Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 28th, 2021. (Poster)

38.  Lauryn C. Alexander, Oriana Ovide, Olivia Duffett, Andra Lewis-Krick, Dr. Patrick Buzzini, Dr. Tatiana Trejos, A Comparative Study on the Background Presence of Glass and Paint in Various Populations and Seasons in the United States, American Academy of Forensic Sciences Annual Conference, Oral Presentation. February 2022.

39.  Lauryn C Alexander, Oriana Ovide, Olivia Duffett, Tatiana Trejos. The Background and Relevance of Microscopic Traces of Glass Evidence in Forensic Investigations, 2021 Brazilian Winter School Conference. October 2021. (Virtual Oral Presentation)

40.  Lauryn C Alexander, Oriana Ovide, Olivia Duffett, Tatiana Trejo. Why does it matter to understand how common it is to find paint and glass microparticles in the regular population- A forensic perspective, 2021 9th Annual Black Doctoral Network Conference. October 2021. (Poster & Oral Presentation)

41.  Luis Arroyo, Tatiana Trejos, Korina Menking Hoggatt, Colby Ott, Courtney Vander Pyl, Kourtney Dalzell, Bill Feeney. Detection of gunshot residues from leaded and non-leaded ammunition by electrochemical sensors and Libs, Pittcon 2021. March 2021. (Invited Speaker)

42.  Madison Lindung, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Courtney Vander Pyl, Kourtney Dalzell, and Tatiana Trejos. Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium. Transfer and Persistence of Gunshot Residue on Synthetic Skin by SEM-EDS. December 3rd, 2022. (Oral)

43.  Madison Lindung, Leah Thomas, Korina Menking-Hoggatt PhD., Courtney Vander Pyl M.S., and Tatiana Trejos PhD. WVU Summer Undergraduate Symposium. Portable versus Benchtop LIBS Comparison for Screening of Gunshot Residue. July 28th, 2022. (Oral)

44.  Meghan Prusinowski, Evie Nguyen, Tatiana Trejos. Validation of a Systematic Method for Duct Tape Physical Fits Through Inter-Laboratory Studies. AAFS Conference 2022. February 2022. (Poster, Virtual)

45.  Meghan Prusinowski, Zachary Andrews, Cedric Neumann, Tatiana Trejos. Assessing significant factors that can influence physical fit examinations of tape and textiles. European Academy of Forensic Sciences (EAFS) conference. June 2022. (Poster)

46.  Meghan Prusinowski, Zachary Andrews, Evie Nguyen, Tatiana Trejos. Development of Systematic Approaches for Physical Fit Comparisons of Trace Materials. Presented at Virtual AAFS Conference. February 2021. (E-Poster)

47.  Meghan Prusinowski, Zachary Andrews, Tatiana Trejos. Development of systematic methods for the physical edge comparison of trace materials. 2021 Brazil Winter 3rd School of Forensic Sciences. October 2021. (Virtual, Oral Presentation)

48.  Meghan Prusinowski, Zachary Andrews, Tatiana Trejos. MAFS 51st Annual Fall Meeting A Joint Meeting with ASTEE. Development of systematic and practical documentation templates for tape and textile physical fit comparisons. September 15th, 2022. (Oral)

49.  Morris, KB, Spaulding JS, and Ho JN, The use of error rates to predict and characterize the efficacy of presumptive field tests, J Forensic Sci 67(1), 2022

50.  Olivia Duffet, Lauryn Alexander, Oriana Ovide, Tatiana Trejos. Survey of Glass and Paint in the General Population to Assess their Evidential Value. 13th Annual summer undergraduate research symposium, Morgantown, WV. July 29th, 2021.

51.  Oriana Ovide, Ruthmara Corzo, Tatiana Trejos. Assessing the Variability Within Small Vehicular Glass Fragments Using µ-XRF. Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 28th, 2021. (Poster)

52.  Sara Bodnar, Coral Smith, Casper Venter, Tina Moroose, Arati Iyengar. International Symposium on Human Identification. “Comparison of swabbing methods for forensic DNA typing of cyanoacrylate fumed fingerprints. Washington DC, Oct 31st – Nov 3rd, 2022.

53.  Tatiana Trejos and Andria Mehltretter. Lessons Learned from Paint and Tape Interlaboratory Exercises: Do systematic approaches lead to examiner consistency? Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 30th, 2021. (Oral, Invited)

54.  Tatiana Trejos and Luis Arroyo. EAFS Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. Analysis and Interpretation of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues: Lessons Learned from a Large Population Study. May 31st, 2022. (Oral, Invited Keynote Speaker)

55.  Tatiana Trejos. Experiences from a Forensic Scientist. A.O.E. Junior Academy for Young Women in STEM. March 2021. (Invited Oral)

56.  Tatiana Trejos, Luis Arroyo, Korina Menking Hoggatt and Courtney Vander Pyl. LIBS as an emerging method for the detection of firearm discharge residues, NIJ (National Institute of Justice) -Emerging Analytical Methods for Chemical and Biological Forensic Evidence Session, Pittcon 2021. March 2021. (Invited Speaker)

57.  Tatiana Trejos, Luis Arroyo, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Courtney Vander Pyl, Kourtney Dalzell, Colby Ott, and Thomas Ledergerber. MAFS 51st Annual Fall Meeting A Joint Meeting with ASTEE. Development of innovative, reliable, and fast screening methods for the detection of organic and inorganic gunshot residues. September 16th, 2022. (Oral)

58.  Tatiana Trejos, Luis Arroyo, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Courtney Vander Pyl, Kourtney Dalzell. XIII Congreso Internacional De Medicina Legal Y Ciencias Forenses. Métodos novedosos para la identifrcación de partfculas orgánicas e inorgánicas de residuos de disparo. October 28th, 2022. (Oral, Invited Speaker)

59.  Tatiana Trejos, Meghan Prusinowski, Zachary Andrews and Cedric Neumann. EAFS Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden. Assessing significant factors that can influence physical fit examinations of tape and textiles. June 2nd, 2022. (Poster)

60.  Tatiana Trejos, Meghan Prusinowski, Zachary Andrews. Forensic Examination of Duct Tape Physical Fits: Interlaboratory Results, NIST-OSAC Trace Subcommittee. June 2nd, 2021. (oral)

61.  Tatiana Trejos. Perfiles químicos como pistas en escenas del crimen. 30th Anniversary of Costa Rican Scientific Highschool Systems. April 2021. (Invited Oral)

62.  T Trejos, A Quigley-McBride, M Prusinowski, Z Andrews. MAFS 51st Annual Fall Meeting A Joint Meeting with ASTEE. Workshop: Forensic Examinations of Physical Fits—Past, Present, and Future. September 14th, 2022. (Oral, Workshop Organizer)

63.  Travon Cooman, Colby Ott, Kourtney Dalzell, Amber Burns, Edward Sisco, Luis E. Arroyo. Pittcon Conference and Expo. Virtual Event. “Portable Raman Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry Techniques for the Analysis of Seized Drug: TacticID® and AccuTOF™-DART”. March 8-12, 2021.

64.  William Feeney, Korina Menking-Hoggatt, Luis Arroyo, James Curran, Suzanne Bell, Tatiana Trejos. American Association of Forensic Science criminalistics section. An Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues in Various Populations Using Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Seattle, WA. February 25th, 2022. (Oral presentation co-author)

65.  William Feeney, Suzanne Bell, Tatiana Trejos. Exploring the probabilistic interpretation of gunshot residue in various populations using LC-MS/MS. Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 28th, 2021. (poster)

66.  Zachary Andrews, Colton Diges, Meghan Prusinowski, Tatiana Trejos. Assessing the Value of Microfiber Alignment Between Stamp Edges for Physical Fit Comparisons. Current Trends in Forensic Trace Analysis 2021 Online Forensic Symposium. July 28th, 2021. (poster)

67.  Zachary Andrews, Colton Diges, Tatiana Trejos. Feature Occurrence and Error Rates in Textile Physical Fit Comparisons. AAFS Conference 2022. February 2022. (Poster)

68.  Zachary Andrews, Colton Diges, Tatiana Trejos. MAFS 51st Annual Fall Meeting A Joint Meeting with ASTEE. Evaluating the use of microfiber alignment in office paper and postage stamps to identify physical fits. September 16th, 2022. (oral)

69.  2022 Midwest Association for Toxicology and Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (MATT) Meeting. “Validation and Survey of 55 Opioids in Postmortem Oral Cavity Fluid via QueChers Extraction and Analysis by LC-MS-MS. Katherine Davis, Joseph Cox, Kylea Mathison, Luis E. Arroyo. Kalamazoo, MI. April 6-8. (Sunshine-Wong Award Winner.