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WVU FIS Students Participate in Controlled Burn at WV State Fire Academy

During the month of March, WVU Forensic and Investigative Science students were able to participate in a controlled burn at the WV State Fire Academy located in Weston, WV. The controlled burn of the mock bedroom and living room were used as a teaching aid in three different courses: 1) to train fire debris analysts in Dr. Jackson's Arson and Explosives Analysis class (FIS 451); 2) to train CSI skills in Tiffany Edwards' CSI 2 class (FIS 402), and 3) to train fire instructors at the WV State Fire Academy. The burns were organized by Prof. Glen Jackson in WVU's Department of Forensic and Investigative Science and Mark Lambert, Director of WVU Fire Academy.

Thanks to Mark Lambert, Matthew Reed, Joey Baxa, and the other volunteer firefighters for donating their time and experience!

See photos of the Bedroom Burn

See photos of the Livingroom Burn

Students and faculty in three rows posing for photo.

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