Casper Venter
Chair of the Department of Forensic and Investigative Science, Professor
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, Seized Drug Analysis, Drug Chemistry, Latent Fingerprint Development, Imaging, and Comparison, and Laboratory Management and Supervision
Glen P. Jackson
Professor, Ming Hsieh Distinguished Professor of Forensic & Investigative Science
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, Forensic Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Seized Drug Analysis, and Arson and Explosives Analysis
Keith Morris
Professor, Ming Hsieh Distinguished Teaching Professor of Forensic & Investigative Science
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, Impression Evidence, Evidence Interpretation, Firearms, and Genealogy
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, Polarized Light Microscopy, Pattern Analysis, Footwear, and Image Processing.
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, Forensic Chemistry, Seized Drug Analysis, Analytical Forensic Toxicology, Environmental Chemistry
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, Forensic Chemistry, Trace Evidence (Glass, Paints, Polymers, Inks, Gunshot Residues), Fire Debris, Questioned Documents and Drugs, Chemometrics and Evidence Interpretation, Quality Control, Spectroscopy, Mass Spectrometry, Elemental Analysis, and Project Management.
Robin Bowen
Teaching Assistant Professor and Minor Coordinator
Specialties: Ethics, Crime Scene Investigation, General Forensics, Professional Education, and Instructional Design
Specialties: Crime Scene Investigation, Latent Print Processing, Latent Print Examination, Medicolegal Death Investigation, Law Enforcement Investigation (Unsolved Case Project - Undergraduate Research Faculty), and General Forensics
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, Forensic Genetics and Population Genetics
Roger Jeffreys
Teaching Assistant Professor, Outreach Coordinator, and Chemical Hygiene Officer
Specialties: General Forensics, Bloodstain Pattern Analysis, Photography, and Shooting Reconstruction
Specialties: DNA Analysis and Crime Scene Investigation
Rachel M. Mohr
Teaching Assistant Professor and Undergraduate Coordinator
Specialties: Forensic Entomology and General Forensics
Tina Moroose
Teaching Assistant Professor and Graduate Studies Coordinator
Specialties: Research/Graduate Faculty, DNA Analysis and Quality Management
Part-time Faculty
Debra Ayers
Robert O'Brien
Teaching Assistant Professor and Internship Coordinator
Adjunct Faculty
Retired Faculty
Suzanne Bell
Retired Chair of the Department of Forensic and Investigative Science
Kenneth Bauer
Retired Part-time Instructor