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Graduate Student Profiles

Alexandra Adeoye

Ph.D. Student

Alexandra Adeoye is a doctoral student working under Dr. Jackson's research group. Her research involves developing and applying Expert Algorithm for Substance Identification (EASI) to emerging synthetic drugs to combat the opioid crisis. Alex's career goals include working as a forensic chemist and eventually transitioning to academia.

Eleen Alfonso

MS Student

Eleen Alfonso is a second-year master's student working under Dr. Keith Morris’ research group. Her research focuses on the solvability factors contributing to cold case closures.

Zachary Andrews

Ph.D. Student

Zachary Andrews is a member of Dr. Tatiana Trejos’ research group. His research involves developing consensus-based methods for the examination and interpretation of contemporary vehicle, architectural, and portable electronic device glasses by micro-X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry.

Emma Chase

MS Student

Emma Chase is a first-year master's student working in Dr. Iyengar's research group. Her research focuses on predicting surface soil provenance in North-Central West Virginia using DNA metabarcoding.

Kourtney Dalzell

Ph.D. Student

Kourtney Dalzell is a member of with the Arroyo research group. Her research is focused on electrochemical and spectroscopic methods for the detection of inorganic and organic gunshot residues in forensic investigations.

Kay Dolan

MS Student

Kay is a first-year Master's student working in Dr. Keith Morris' research group. Her research is focused on determining the spatial origin within firearms of toolmarks on ballistics evidence, using a cross correlation function and a congruent matching cells algorithm.

Kailey Evanowsky


Kailey Evanowsky is a first year Master’s student working in Dr. Arroyo’s research group. Her research is in the area of forensic toxicology, specifically oral fluid extraction methods for the presence of opioid drugs.

Veronica Franklin

Ph.D. Student

Veronica Franklin works as part of Dr. Keith Morris' research group. Her primary research focuses on subclass characteristics found on spent cartridge cases in firearms examination.

Chaney Ganninger

MS Student

Chaney is a second-year Master's student who is continuing her research with Dr. Glen Jackson's research group. Her research utilizes a thermodynamic mathematical model to predict the potential weathering patterns of ignitable liquids.

Jacob Hetzke

MS Student

Jacob Hetzke is a first-year master's student working in Dr. Iyengar's research group. His research focuses on nucleic acid extraction methods, particularly for trace and degraded samples.

Jessica Hovingh

PhD Student

Jessica Hovingh is a second-year PhD student in Dr. Jacqueline Speir's research group. Her research focuses on the use of the hyperspectral imaging for detection and identification of physiological fluids in crime scenes.

Maria Johnston

MS Student

Maria Johnston is a first-year Master's student working under Professor Tina Moroose's research group. Her research explores the use of Probabilistic Genotyping to analyze sexual assault evidence.

Collin Kustera

MS Student

Collin Kustera is a first-year master’s student in the Arroyo research group. His research focuses on hair analysis for γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) detection, a drug frequently used to facilitate sexual assault.

Giuliana Leon-Carrillo

Ph.D. Student

Giuliana Leon-Carrillo is a second-year Ph. D. student in the Morris Research Group. She is currently working on the statistical evaluation of evidence in cold cases.

Madison Lindung

MS Student

Madison Lindung is a second-year master's student under Dr. Tatiana Trejos. Her research involves characterizing modern nail polish products as a form of trace evidence using analytical techniques such as Scanning Electron Microscopy Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectrometry (SEM-EDS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), and microscopic techniques by Polarizing Light Microscopy (PLM).

Hannah McMillen

PhD Student

Hannah McMillen is a member of The Jackson Research Group. Her research pertains to the development of an algorithm to identify ignitable liquids in fire debris.

Christopher Moner

MS Student

Christopher Moner is a master's student working in Dr. Keith Morris' research group. His research is focused on developing a methodology to use the congruent matching cells algorithm to aid in the classification of rimfire cartridge cases found at crime scenes.

Sarah Mosinski

MS Student

Sarah Mosinski is a member of Dr. Jacqueline Speir's research group. Her research will focus on the forensic utility of polarized light microscopy.

Baillie Poulton


Baillie Poulton is in Dr. Keith Morris’ research group. Her research is focused on using a 3-D simulation software to model different shooting scenarios to help aid in shooting reconstructions. She will be doing this by comparing the simulations with real shooting data, and later using an algorithm to determine the trajectory.

Carly Smith

MS Student

Carly Smith is a member of Dr. Morris' research group. Her research is focused on how breech face impressions on shotshells are influenced by different components in ammunition.

Leah Thomas

MS Student

Leah Thomas is a first-year master’s student working in Dr. Trejos’ research group. Her research focuses on the importance of trace evidence and specialized training for analysts in the US and Costa Rica.

Jessica E. Whitney

Ph.D. Student

Jessica is a first year doctoral student working in Dr. Keith Morris’ research group. Her research will focus on evaluating forensic/investigative genetic genealogy methods with interest in computational metrics for descent estimations.