WVU’s FIS Department wishes to thank Mark Lambert (Director of WVU Extension Fire Service) and his firefighters for hosting some controlled burns at the WV State Fire Academy at the end of the spring 2022 semester. Students in Prof. Edwards’ Crime Scene Investigation II class (FIS 402) processed the scenes and collected fire debris samples in special evidence cans. Students in Prof. Jackson’s Arson and Explosives Analysis class (FIS 451) later analyzed the debris samples to test for the presence of ignitable liquids. Such educational and enriching experiences help elevate WVU’s FIS program from our peers.
Our undergraduate student in Forensic Chemistry, Jessica
Friedel, was selected to present her research “Responding to gun violence
epidemic through technology innovation and statistical interpretations for
forensic investigations” at the 2022 Undergraduate Research Day at
the Capitol (URDC) in Charleston, WV. URDC's purpose is to
familiarize state legislators with research and creative activities involving
undergraduate students that occur on campuses across the state.
The scene was very complex and included law enforcement, EMS personnel, Prosecuting
Attorney's, various media outlets, and spectators who made the students' job even
more realistic and challenging.