Debra Ayers
debra.ayers@mail.wvu.eduCategorized As
Ms. Ayers received her B.A. in Education in 1982 from Fairmont State College and her M.S. in Safety and Environmental Management in 1994 from West Virginia University.
She started her career in May 1996 as a Fingerprint Examiner assigned to the Identification and Investigation Services Section of the Criminal Justice Information Services Division. She was appointed to her present position as Fingerprint Examiner Instructor for the Federal Bureau of Investigation in 2008. She is a Certified Tenprint Examiner (CTPE) from the International Association for Identification. She developed, designed, and prepared material for use in fingerprint training to various local, state, federal, and international agencies outside the FBI.
Ayers teaches the Science and Technology of Fingerprints course.
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