Jessica Hovington
PhD in Forensic and Investigative Science
Class of 2027
“I have always been interested in crime scene adjacent work. It gives me a chance to incorporate new stuff into scenes and to learn new skills.”
Hometown: State College, PA
Scholarships and/or Academic Awards: Ruby Fellow
Hobbies: Terrariums, reading, listening to audiobooks, making lattes, and cooking.
One interesting fact about you: My fingerprint is in a bloodstain pattern analysis textbook. Also, I went to the University of Lausanne (the oldest Forensic college in the world that’s still running) to complete my master’s degree.
Q&A with Jessica
What is your research about?
- Using a hyperspectral camera (which takes photos on multiple wavelengths) to take photos at crime scenes to see how it can be used to locate and identify body fluids.
Why did you want to pursue this research?
- I have always been interested in crime scene adjacent work. It gives me a chance to incorporate new stuff into scenes and to learn new skills.
What is the most interesting thing about your research?
- The most interesting thing is using a method that’s new here but used in other places. For example: the hyperspectral camera is used in other lines of work, but it’s just now being used in forensics.
Who is your PI? How have they helped you be successful?
- My PI is Dr. Speir. She has a PhD in something similar to my research so she’s very helpful and pushes students to challenge themselves.
How have your professors and/or staff helped you be successful?
- I have been able to pull elements from each class taught to help in research.
Favorite thing or activity your research group has done together?
- We all went and had dinner together.
What skills and/or knowledge have you gained that you feel will help you be successful
in your future career?
- I’ve gained skills in reading and understanding algorithms and learned how to follow code.
What are your career goals?
- I would like to work in a crime lab to gain real-world experience and down the road, I would like to teach at a university.
What was your favorite place on campus?
- My favorite place on campus are the benches near the Mountainair.
What was your most memorable moment at WVU?
- Closing down the library while studying for informatics.
What is your favorite class and why?
- Informatics because it’s the most challenging class I’ve ever taken (even over classes taken in French), but I learned more in there than any other class taken.
What experience or class taught you the most?
- Informatics!
Why did you choose WVU?
- I know I wanted a PhD in Forensics, WVU is closer to home, and WVU has a good reputation.
What advice would you give to an incoming student in the same major?
- Make connections and spend time with people outside your lab group.
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