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DNA Laboratory

The DNA Laboratory has separate rooms for presumptive testing of biological fluids, the processing, and the extraction of biological samples. After extraction, DNA is analyzed using a Biosystems DNA Sequencer in the post-PCR facility. The instrumentation and associated software in the DNA Laboratory were upgraded in Spring 2016 through the support of Applied Biosystems. Students now have access to the latest technology in the field.

  • Classroom with work bench and fume hood.

    The forensic biology laboratory gives students the opportunity to learn the process of DNA analysis - extraction, quantitation, amplification, capillary electrophoresis - and interpretation.

  • Laboratory room with work bench and two fume hoods.

    The forensic biology laboratory gives students the opportunity to learn the process of DNA analysis - extraction, quantitation, amplification, capillary electrophoresis - and interpretation.

  • Laboratory room with work bench, fridges for keeping samples cool, and other supplies.

    The forensic biology laboratory gives students the opportunity to learn the process of DNA analysis - extraction, quantitation, amplification, capillary electrophoresis - and interpretation.

  • Small room with fume hood holding pipettes and other supplies as well as bench space.

    PCR Facility

  • The Post-PCR room is where students are able to run samples once the other steps of the DNA analysis process are completed.

  • Two instruments on counter.

    The Illumina MiSeqFGx instrument is used to perform next-generation sequencing (NGS). This instrument was specifically designed for using NGS in forensic genomics applications, including combined short-tandem repeat (STR) and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis as well as preparing SNP profiles for Forensic Genetic Genealogy (FGG). 

  • Five lab benches with chairs.

    These new laboratory spaces will house the Biological Evidence and Molecular Genetics for Forensic Biologists courses.

  • Six lab benches with chairs.

    These new laboratory spaces will house the Biological Evidence and Molecular Genetics for Forensic Biologists courses.

  • The ABI 3500 Genetic Analyzer (left) is an instrument performing capillary electrophoresis used in forensic DNA analysis to separate DNA fragments in biological samples and display the information in DNA profiles for comparison. The ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR System (right) quantifies the amount of DNA in biological samples and may assess the quality of the DNA (depending on kits utilized) for downstream processes used to obtain DNA profiles. These instruments are both models that are currently used in accredited forensic laboratories performing DNA analysis in the field.