Liliana Barbosa
Master of Science in Forensic and Investigative Science (2026), Bachelor of Science in Forensic Chemistry (2024)
BA Class of 2024, MS Class of 2026
“Connect with your professors – they’re a tight knit faculty that cares.”
Hometown: Fulshear (Houston), TX
Scholarships and/or Academic Awards: Mountaineer Connection Scholarship (not sure if we can include this due to FERPA), WVU System Connections Grant (not sure if we can include this due to FERPA), President’s List and Dean’s List.
Hobbies: French Horn (for 10 years) and Fantasy Novels
Extracurriculars: Cru, The Pride of West Virginia Mountaineer Marching Band, Honors College.
One interesting fact about you: I have dual citizenship between the USA and Brazil.
Q&A with Liliana
What are your favorite things about being in this major?
- I like how applicable it is --> the application of chemistry to forensics and law as well as the impact it has.
What is the most interesting thing about your major?
- I think the most interesting thing is how many people come from all over for this major.
Why did you want to pursue this major?
- I like how chemistry explains the world and everyday experiences. I saw the accolades of the program – awards, rank, accreditation, FBI collaborations, and prestige.
How have your professors and/or staff helped you be successful?
- Faculty are more interested in long-term success than just college classes. They also prepare you well for fieldwork.
What skills and/or knowledge have you gained that you feel will help you be successful in your future career?
- The program focuses on different types of evidence, field work, analysis, and disciplines to prepare you for the job field. I also believe that being a Teaching Assistant helped me gain a lot of skills and knowledge to be successful in my future career.
What are your career goals?
- After I finish grad school I would like to work in a State Crime Lab in Chemistry.
What is your favorite place on campus?
- The deep quiet rooms in the downtown library!!!
What is your most memorable moment at WVU?
- My most memorable moment is the first time I performed in a pre-game show for the matching band. We were playing at the University of Maryland.
What is your favorite class and why?
- Toxicology because the labs gave hands-on lab and instrument experience. It was also a small class, so I got one-on-one instruction. Toxicology also had a good class atmosphere.
What experience or class taught you the most?
- Research with the Gunshot Residue group has given me hands-on lab experience, getting to work with grad students, seeing what they are working on, and new ideas in the field.
Why did you choose WVU?
- I chose WVU to get out and make new experiences. I also like West Virginia Wildlife and Nature!
What advice would you give to an incoming student in the same major?
- Connect with your professors (especially in Forensic Chemistry) - they’re a tight knit faculty that cares.
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