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2016—Did You Know?

The Department of Forensic and Investigative Science at West Virginia University has a nationally recognized FEPAC accredited program.

The demographics of the incoming class of 117 students are: 97 first-year students (77% are non-residents) coming from 20 states other than West Virginia; 22 of the first-year students are also first-generation students. The other twenty students are transfers to the department, including three from foreign countries. It is interesting to note that 75% are female, representing a trend observed over the past several years.

In total, there are approximately 250 undergraduate students currently enrolled in the department, 80% of whom are non-residents. Since 2014 students have come from 32 states and 6 countries to study and earn their Bachelor of Science in Forensic and Investigative Science. This wide selection of students attests to the national prominence of the WVU Forensic and Investigative Science program.2016 mapAbove: gold denotes the home state of at least one forensic science student enrolled since 2014


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