Rapid Identification of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues
1:00 - 2:30 PM ET
We will be offering a Webinar Sponsored by NIJ and organized by FTCOE and RTI international on “Rapid Identification of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues”
When: Wednesday, November 20th, 2019 1:00:00 PM ET – 2:30:00 PM ET
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Speakers: Dr. Tatiana Trejos, Dr. Luis Arroyo and Dr. Suzanne Bell (West Virginia University, Department of Forensic and Investigative Science)
Please feel free to disseminate the registration page to anyone you think would benefit from the webinar. An abstract and objectives are available in the registration page.
Webinar Registration Page: https://forensiccoe.org/webinar/rapid-and-effective-identification-of-organic-and-inorganic-gunshot-residues/