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Transfer Students

Because the FIS department has a very structured curriculum in the first two years, applicants interested in transferring from other school often encounter difficulties.  If you are a transfer student considering WVU, please contact Lisa Licata, Nicholas Haas-Brown, or Dr. Rachel Mohr to discuss your status. In general, transfer students should have some of the following courses from another accredited institution of higher learning: general chemistry, general biology, physics, and calculus. Transfer students will be also expected to meet the department’s standards for admission as laid out in the WVU catalog: Forensic Biology, B.S.Forensic Chemistry, B.S., and Forensic Examiner, B.S. 

Typically, unless a transfer student is coming from another FEPAC-accredited institution, they will not be able to transfer into the upper-level program. In any case, students would be held to the university-wide residency rules in order to obtain a degree at WVU.