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Undergraduate Students


Our #studentsFIRST program is designed to help our first and second-year students become successful in their transition to college. To help aid in this transition into college, we kick the semester off with a welcome picnic and a freshman welcome event.

As students are formally admitted to the major for their junior year, we change the emphasis of their last two years to a focus on preparation for graduate school or a career.

We take our lead from potential employers, asking what they are seeking in employees. The employers have stated that they want individuals who can communicate, solve problems, work with others in teams, and those who have the expertise of the discipline for which they are seeking employment.

Our program demonstrates a commitment to developing students' communication skills through our SpeakWrite initiative. The curriculum provides expertise in students' areas of interest, reinforced by a summer internship experience and a capstone course in courtroom testimony.

FEPAC accreditation drives our curriculum and our commitment to excellence in efforts to educate and train students.

Throughout the finishing years, we push our students to differentiate themselves; to make themselves unique and diverse. We encourage every student to identify their interests and explore their talents. Students who are interested in graduate school are encouraged to become involved with research with a faculty member and present their results at national meetings.

The Department of Forensic and Investigative Science takes our student-centric philosophy seriously and provides students with an education that is geared toward contemporary, comprehensive student success.