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Nichloas Haas-Brown

Nicholas Haas-Brown

Academic Advisor


304-293-3853 318 Student Services
Nick is a two-time graduate of the Forensic and Investigative Science (FIS) Department, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in 2017 with an emphasis in forensic biology, and his Master of Science degree in 2019 with research focused on DNA analysis. Since graduating, Nick has worked as a biology lab manager in WVU’s Biology Department and as an academic advisor for students who were undecided on their major. Since September of 2022, Nick has been back in his home department advising first and second year students within the FIS program. Nick enjoys helping the students figure out their path in life and guiding them to their goals through their advising appointments. In addition to advising, Nick helps with recruitment events and providing general department information to prospective students. If you have any questions regarding the program, please feel free to reach out!

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